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+ Socialise
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+ Think Creatively
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A 30 minute group exercise class designed and led by a physiotherapist. Participants engage in evidence-based exercise which contributes to:
- Better muscle strength, fitness and heart health
- Better balance to reduce risk of having a fall
- Lower the risk of having a heart attack or another stroke
- An improved sense of wellbeing
Socialising is an integral part of the ESTEEM Program.
30 minutes to enjoy refreshments (drinks and a light snack) whilst sharing stories, jokes, interests and social activities in our community.
Building relationships with other stroke survivors, and sharing the experience of living with stroke.
90 minutes for movement-to-music or visual arts (participants will have the opportunity to do both during the 10 weeks).
Regular movement-to-music can assist in:
- Improving physical and emotional health
- Improving thinking skills (cognition), and
- Provide an opportunity for more social engagement
Movement-to-music activities are designed by an experienced dance instructor, and is adaptable for each person e.g. seated, standing or supported movement-to-music.
Creative skills through visual arts can assist in:
- Expressing emotions
- Increasing self confidence, and
- Improving thinking skills (cognition)
Visual art activities are designed by an experienced art instructor, to be inclusive of the abilities of both a first time artist or a more experienced art enthusiast.

Who can participate in the ESTEEM Program research?
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have had a stroke
- Live in the Hunter New England Local Health District
- Live at home in the community (not in a residential care facility)
- Be able to stand independently or with the help of 1 person
- Be able to use the restroom independently or with a carer who will attend with you
- Follow instructions safely
- Participate in all 3 parts of the program (exercise, socialise, and creativity)
- Attend up to 4 research appointments